Gambling Plus Minus

7/30/2022by admin

Despite having a rather long and complicated-sounding name, the Uston
Advanced Plus-Minus system
is a blackjack card counting system that is very easy
to learn and use. If you’re familiar with the Hi-Lo System, it’s incredibly
similar. Many individuals like using the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus System
because it’s a balanced system that doesn’t have many different variables that
need to be memorized.

The favorite in a game is listed as being minus (-) the point spread. The worse of the teams playing in the game is called the underdog. The bettor wins if this team wins the game outright or loses by an amount smaller than the point spread. The underdog in a game is listed as being plus (+) the point spread. Plus, it will help you to avoid making silly mistakes like placing big bets on events that actually have bad odds. Who sets the odds for sports betting? Most bookmakers use their own teams to calculate odds based on various criteria, from the location of the match and the weather, to player absences or injury risks.

In our guide to this blackjack card counting system, we’re going to equip you
with everything you need to know to learn the method and determine if it’s the
right one for you. Below, you’ll find basic fundamentals and more advanced
topics all related to the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus system. You’ll also find
some frequently asked questions and additional blackjack resources toward the
end of this page.

If you’re in a rush, you might consider using the jump links below. We’ve
included these here, so you can skip ahead to sections of the page below. For
those of you who are new to blackjack card counting and the Uston Advanced
Plus-Minus system, we’d suggest you read this page in its entirety, so you don’t
miss any vital information.

Basics of the Advanced Plus-Minus System
Using the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus System
How to Size Your Bets
Practicing the Advanced Plus-Minus System
Top 10 Tips to Avoid Getting Caught
More Blackjack Resources
Frequently Asked Questions

Basics of the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus System

Before we get into the finer details of how you can use the Uston Advanced
Plus-Minus system to count cards when playing blackjack, it’s vital that you
gain an understanding of the basics. In this section, we’ll brief you on the
underlying fundamentals you need to know to utilize the system properly.

Running Count

The central concept of the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus system is called a
running count. As each card is dealt, you’ll need to know the assigned value for
that card. We’ll go into more detail about that in the next section. However,
what’s important here is that you’ll continue to add the values for each card in
one running total as they are dealt.

Starting Value

Like the majority of other card counting systems out there, the Uston
Advanced Plus-Minus system has a starting count of zero. This means you’ll
always start with zero when you begin a new running count and the dealer
shuffles the cards.

True Count

Because the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus system is balanced, players have to
take one additional step. Unfortunately, calculating the running count just
isn’t enough information to go off of since it doesn’t take into account the
number of decks left in play. That’s where the true count comes in. Using it,
you can offset the impact of multiple decks remaining.

Luckily, it’s simple to calculate the true count from your running count. All
you have to do is divide your running count by the number of decks you estimate
are still in play.


If you think there are still two decks left in
the shoe and your running count is at 10, your true count is 5 (10 divided by
2). It’s the true count that will help you determine how to size your bets when
using the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus system.


As a general rule of thumb, the higher your true count is, the more you
should wager. This is the system’s way of telling you that you have a good
chance of getting blackjack. However, if you have a true count that is low or
negative, you’ll want to bet a small amount, since you have a low chance of
getting blackjack. We’ll cover how to size your bets in more detail in a later

Using the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus System

Now that you’ve seen some of the fundamentals of the Uston Advanced
Plus-Minus system, we’ll cover how you will count cards using it. Don’t worry if
this section seems a bit confusing at first; we’ve got a section below on how
you can start to practice the system at home to get used to how it functions.

  • Start with a count of 0
  • When you see an A, K, Q, J, or 10: Subtract 1 from your
    running count
  • When you see a 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7: Add 1 to your running
  • When you see a 2 or 8: Do nothing (worth 0)

Up first, don’t forget to always start your count with a value of zero. Then,
pay attention to each card one by one as they are dealt. As you see each card,
think of its assigned value from the chart above. Add the value of the next card
to the value of the previous card. You’ll repeat this process to establish your
running count.


If the first card dealt is a 6, you’ll add one to your
starting count of 0. Then, if the second card dealt is a 2, you’ll do nothing to
your running count because 2’s are worth nothing. However, if the third card
dealt is a jack, you’ll subtract one from your running count. This will offset
your previous running count value of +1, meaning that your current running count
value will be at zero.

Whenever it’s time for you to place a bet, you’ll need to convert your
running count into a true count. To do this, divide your running count at that
moment by the number of decks you think are left in the shoe. It’s this value
that will help you to size your bet.

As a reminder, remember to always restart your count with a zero whenever the
dealer shuffles the cards. This is vital because the deck shuffle resets
everything and voids your previous running and true count.

How to Size Your Bets Using the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus System

Now that you know about the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus System and how to count
cards with it, let’s focus on how you’ll size your bets. After all, the whole
point of the system is to alert you when you should bet more or less based on
your chances of getting blackjack. Below, we’ll discuss a couple of different
ideas on how you can size your bets when using this card counting system.

One of the easiest ways to size your bets using the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus
system is to use the true count as a multiplier. If your true count is +1, 0, or
negative, you simply place a bet equal to the table minimum. However, if your
true count is +2 or higher, you’ll multiply the table minimum by the true count


If your true count is +4 and the table minimum is $20, you’d
bet $80 on the next hand (4 multiplied by 20).

If you want a betting strategy that’s not as aggressive as the one described
above, there’s another way you can go about it. For this route, you’ll end up
using betting tiers.


If your true count is +2 or +3, you could just
bet 2x the table minimum. Under the same setup, you could also just bet 3x if
your current true count was +4 or +5.

It’s up to you to choose what betting strategy works best for you and your
playing strategy. Ultimately, your goal is to bet more as your true count gets

Practicing the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus System

Up next, we’ve included a section that’s focused on how you can begin to
practice the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus System. You can get started practicing at
home today if you’re ready to start trying your hand using the system. By
following our suggested practice steps below, you’ll be able to begin counting
cards at the blackjack table in no time.

Count a Deck of Cards

To get things started with your Uston Advanced Plus-Minus system practice,
you’ll first need to learn how to count a deck of cards. Here, you’ll count
every one of the 52 cards in the deck. Deal yourself one card at a time and in
your head assign that card its value from the chart above. Keep a running count
in your head as you add new cards. Continue your counting until you complete the
entire deck. Once complete, shuffle the deck and start over again.

If you’ve done things right, your ending value after counting all 52 cards
should be zero. This happens because the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus system is a
balanced system. If you ended up with a running count of anything other than a
zero, you made a mistake along the way. Revisit the chart above and try again.
We’re confident that you’ll be able to get the hang of it quickly.

Time Yourself

Plus Minus Znak

After you’ve counted a deck using the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus system a
couple of times, your next step should be to time yourself while doing it. Once
you finish counting the entire deck, keep a record of your time. Then, repeat
with the goal of beating that time. Try to cut your initial time in half. If you
can do this, you’ll be a much more efficient card counter.

Count in Pairs

When you feel like you’ve got the hang of counting cards one at a time, it’s
time to move on to a more advanced move. Here, your goal will be to count cards
two at a time. Due to the speed that casino dealers work at blackjack tables,
counting in pairs will help you be even more efficient when using the Uston
Advanced Plus-Minus system.

Instead of dealing yourself one card at a time, quickly deal out two. In your
head, add the value of each of those cards up in your head and then add the
combined total to your running count.


If you deal out a king and a
queen together, you’ll add up their two values (-1 each) and then deduct two
from your current running count. Continue this same process until you’ve run
through the entire deck. As a reminder, your final count should be zero once
you’ve counted the 52nd card.

Distract Yourself

Unfortunately, casinos are not quiet places. With added sounds, flashing
lights, and noises, it can be much more difficult to count cards while you’re in
a real casino versus your house. To help prepare you for using the Uston
Advanced Plus-Minus system in a casino, you’ll want to add in some distractions
at home.

One great way to do this is to turn on the television with the volume at a
high level. Once the television is turned on, begin counting your deck of cards
again. Another option is to turn on the radio while you count. If you really
want to challenge yourself, try having the television and radio on
simultaneously. It’s a good idea to time yourself with distractions to see how
much longer it takes you than when you’re doing it without other factors.

Use a Friend

For this next step, you’ll need to grab a friend. Here, you’re going to use
your friend to help pinpoint any clues your body language may be giving off when
counting cards. If your friend can catch them, you can bet that a professional
casino dealer will too.

To practice this, have your friend deal the cards one at a time. All the
while, have them closely watch your face and body to see if you’re doing
anything odd. Examples of things to look for are if you’re muttering counts
under your breath or furrowing your brow. Take note of anything they point out
to you and work to eliminate those bad habits. By doing this, you’ll be less
likely to be flagged as a card counter by the casino staff.

Practice True Count Division

Perhaps the hardest part of the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus system is the
division required when converting your running count to a true count. For many
folks, division without a calculator isn’t very easy. Unfortunately, you can’t
use a calculator or any other device to do the division for you. Therefore, if
you’re not the best with division in your head, be sure to practice it as you
count your decks of cards. Keep practicing it until you feel comfortable with
the division.

Head to a Casino

Plus minus symbol in word

When you’re feeling ready, your next practice step for the Uston Advanced
Plus-Minus system is to head to a real casino. However, you won’t be sitting
down at the table to play for real money just yet. Instead, you’ll stand back
and watch as other players play a game of blackjack. While they play, your goal
is to operate running a true count as if you were actually playing. Here, you’ll
want to ensure that you’re able to keep up with the speed of the dealer even
with all of the distractions going on around you. Repeat this practice step
until you feel like you’re ready to wager money on the game.

Start With Low Stakes

Finally, once you’ve run through all of our suggested practice steps above
and you feel like you’re ready to test your skills at a real money table, head
back to the casino. But before you race off to a high-stakes table, we suggest
you run through the motions at a low-stakes table. The point of this is to
ensure that you don’t blow a ton of your hard-earned money if you have issues
counting or need to work out some kinks while deploying the Uston Advanced
Plus-Minus system. You can always move up to higher stakes as you gain
confidence in your ability to count cards using the system.

Top 10 Tips to Avoid Getting Caught

If you’re not aware, casinos don’t like it when folks count cards because it
means that players can get a small edge on the house. However, it’s essential
for you to remember that counting cards is not illegal to practice. If you are
caught counting cards, it’s likely the casino will ask you to leave the
premises. To help avoid getting caught and asked to leave, read our top 10 tips
listed below.

  • Do go easy on the alcohol.

    While you’re counting cards,
    make sure you don’t have too much to drink. If you stick to this plan,
    you’ll be less likely to make mistakes when counting cards that might draw
    the attention of the dealer. We’d suggest no more than one drink per hour
    while you’re gambling.

  • Don’t think too hard.

    Counting cards requires a ton of
    concentration. However, it’s vital that you don’t end up thinking too hard
    while you’re at the table. If you do, it’s likely your face may end up
    giving away that you’re counting cards. Try to remain focused without

  • Don’t bet too much.

    Occasionally, your true count from
    the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus System might get very high. However, just
    because your true count is at 8, it doesn’t mean that you should bet 8x the
    minimum wager. If your bet spreads get too large, you’ll be eyed as a
    possible card counter. As a general rule, aim to keep your maximum wagers
    less than 5x the table minimum.

  • Do tip your dealers.

    If you don’t tip your dealers,
    there’s a good chance you will be flagged as a potential card counter. Card
    counters are notorious non-tippers. Be sure to toss your dealers an
    occasional tip to make it more likely that you’ll fly under their radar.

  • Don’t give tips to others.

    Something else you should
    avoid when counting cards is providing advice to your fellow tablemates. If
    you give out information, you may be watched more closely by the dealer.
    Simply keep the tips to yourself and ensure that you’re correctly executing
    the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus system.

  • Do see if you’re being watched.

    First things first,
    you’re always being observed when playing games at a casino. However, the
    goal of this tip is to see if you believe you’re being watched. If you feel
    that is the case, you might already be a suspected card counter. We’d
    recommend you call it a day and leave the premises if you believe you’re
    under heightened scrutiny.

  • Do play at different times.

    If you have to play at the
    same casino all the time, one good idea is to ensure that you play at
    different times of the day. By not always coming in at the same time, you’ll
    expose yourself to a broader assortment of casino employees. In turn, this
    makes it less likely they’ll catch on to your card counting habit.

  • Do play at various casinos.

    As much as possible, be
    sure to play at different casinos when counting cards. While this can be
    difficult for some individuals that don’t have many casinos near home, it’s
    always a good idea. By doing this, you’ll spread out your playing across
    many different sets of casino employees.

  • Don’t play with one dealer too much.

    Even if you have a
    dealer that’s your favorite to play with at a casino, it’s not a good idea
    to play with one too often. Instead, mix up the dealers you play with so
    they have a smaller chance of catching you counting cards. The more time you
    play with them, the higher the odds you might get flagged.

  • Don’t play at one table for too long.

    Our final bit of
    advice to help you reduce the likelihood of getting caught while counting
    cards is not to sit at one table for too long. In an ideal world, try to
    change tables at least once an hour to help mix up the casino employees that
    you’re exposed to.

More Blackjack Resources

While you’re here, we also wanted to introduce you to a handful of some of
the other blackjack-related resources that we have to offer you. If you’re
looking to take your blackjack game to new heights, we can help. Check out these
pages below to begin increasing your knowledge.

We’ve built out many more pages on different blackjack card counting systems
other than the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus system. To learn about general card
counting information and to see the details on other methods you might consider,
check out the link below. It will take you to our main blackjack card counting
hub page.

Blackjack Strategy for Beginners

Some of you who have come to this page may be blackjack beginners. While
counting cards is an excellent way to step up your blackjack game, it’s not
something we’d suggest for beginners. Before you study up on counting cards,
it’s a great idea to check out our blackjack strategy for beginners page. Using
the link below, you can view all of the fundamentals of the game you should
review before learning about counting cards.

Best Online Casinos for Blackjack

If you’re thinking about playing blackjack online, don’t miss the page linked
below. It will take you to our page with our picks for the best online casinos.
We’ve spent countless hours digging through all of the options out there to
bring you the best online casinos. Should you choose to work with any one of our
recommended sites, you’ll be gambling at one of the safest and most trusted
online casinos in the industry.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus system the right card counting system for me?

The answer to this question will depend on what you’re looking for out of a card counting system. If you’re looking for a simplistic one that’s easy to learn and use, this might be the one for you. However, if you’re looking for a more complicated and accurate system, consider another option like the Red 7 System.

Gambling Plus Minus

Is it illegal to use the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus system?

No. It’s not illegal to use the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus system or any other blackjack card counting method. The only possible way it might be illegal is if you use a device to help you operate the system. As long as you’re only using your brain, you are not breaking any laws no matter where you plan to gamble.

It’s worth mentioning here that although it’s not illegal, it doesn’t mean you can openly count cards. Since card counters can cost the casinos money, they often ask suspected card counters to leave the table or the casino. So that you don’t have to deal with this outcome, don’t miss our section above with tips on how you can avoid getting caught when using the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus system.

Does this system guarantee that I’ll win?

No. Using the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus system or any other card counting system does not mean that you’ll win. However, if this system is used correctly, it can help you get a small edge on the casino. By doing this, it will increase your chances of making a small profit over an extended period of play.

Is this the best card counting system available?

The Uston Advanced Plus-Minus system is one of the more basic blackjack card counting systems available. What’s good about this is that it’s a simple one for most individuals to learn and implement since it has so few involved factors. However, the trade-off for its simplicity is that it’s not as accurate as some of the other systems available. If you’re looking for a more precise method, be sure to check out the link above to our main blackjack card counting hub page. There, you’ll be able to view the details on many other systems.

Does the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus System work for online blackjack?

If you’re planning to play a live dealer version of online blackjack, then you may be able to use the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus system. The reason for this is you should be able to see all of the cards on the table and the dealer. If that’s the case, you can use the system as long as a continuous shuffling machine isn’t being used. However, this system does not work for traditional online blackjack because the cards are virtually shuffled after every hand.


Hopefully, you found everything you were looking for and more on our page
about the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus system. If you’ve never visited our website
before, be sure to use the main menu to explore some of the other great assets
that we must provide you with. We’re here to be your guide to becoming a better
gambler. Thanks for reading and best of luck with your future execution of the
Uston Advanced Plus-Minus system!

Point spread betting is the most popular form of sports betting. The vast majority of sports wagers use a point spread thanks to the popularity of football and basketball. Even though this type of betting is so popular, it may take awhile to understand.

The point spread is sometimes known as an equalizer for sportsbook operators. All teams aren’t created equally, so sportsbooks can create a point spread for a game so that each team playing has an almost even chance of winning the game. In a way, the point spread will even the field for both teams.

The point spread gives a reason for bettors to risk money on both teams. The better team playing in the game is considered favorite. They have to win by the point spread offered by the sportsbook. The favorite in a game is listed as being minus (-) the point spread.

The worse of the teams playing in the game is called the underdog. The bettor wins if this team wins the game outright or loses by an amount smaller than the point spread. The underdog in a game is listed as being plus (+) the point spread.

Let’s use the upcoming Super Bowl between the Kansas City Chiefs and Tampa Bay Buccaneers as an example.

Using this example, the Chiefs opened as 3-point favorites over the Buccaneers (currently Chiefs ). The Chiefs need to win by 4 or more points to cover the spread.

Likewise, the Buccaneers opened as 3-point underdogs. That means the Buccaneers would need to win the game outright or not lose the contest by 4 points or more. If the line is Chiefs -3 and they win by exactly 3 points, the betting result is a “push” and bettors for both sides would get their wagers refunded.

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Point spread betting odds

Point spreads are usually set with -110 odds, but pricing often fluctuates at online sportsbooks. This is the sportsbook operators’ house edge. The odds guarantee the sportsbook operator will see a little money over time. When the odds are set at -110, the bettor must wager $110 to win $100 (or $11 to win $10).

The odds on a point spread are most commonly known as the vigorish or “vig” for the sportsbook. You might hear this small profit margin for the sportsbook called the “juice” by some sports bettors.

Point spread FAQs

Gambling Plus Minus 21

What does ‘pick em’ or ‘pick’ mean in NFL betting?

A “pick em” (sometimes seen as “pick”) is when the teams have a point spread of zero, meaning neither team is favored. In this instance, you’re essentially picking moneyline and your bet will be determined on the winner alone.

What does -7 and +7 mean in NFL betting?

A spread of minus-seven (-7) means that a is favored to win the game by a touchdown (technically, a touchdown and the extra point). A team favored by -7 must win the game by eight or more points to win the bet. If the team wins by seven, the result is a “push” and the bet is refunded.

Plus Minus Sign In Text

A spread of +7 means the team must win the game or lose by fewer than seven points to win the bet. A loss by seven would result in a push.

What does -3 and +3 mean in NFL betting?

A -3 spread means that the favorite must win by more than a field goal to win the wager. A three-point win would result in a push and the sportsbook would refund the wager.

A spread of +3 means the team listed as the underdog must win the game or lose by fewer than three points to cash the bet. A three-point loss would be graded as a push by the sportsbook and the bet would be refunded.

Why are point spreads in the NFL so much lower than in college?

In 2019, the Baltimore Ravens led the NFL in point differential per game at +13.7 points; the Miami Dolphins ranked last in the NFL in point differential per game at -11.7. Even Kansas City– known for their explosive offense– had an average point differential in 2019 of just 9.7 points. The net point differential in the NFL is -14.1, or -0.9 points per game. Basically, the talent differential in the NFL is so minute that even mismatched teams often draw games within a score of each other.

NFL spreads are most commonly between one point and four, with six being a heavy favorite and extremes coming out around 15-20 point favors. (For those wondering, the 1941 Chicago Bears hold the NFL record of point differential at +15.7 points per game. Conversely, Ohio State had a +33.1 average point differential in 2019.)

Point spread and odds movement

Sportsbook operators often aim to have equal money on both sides of a point spread. When the money is exactly split the sportsbook operator will see the exact vigorish as their profit margin. If all things are equal over time this will maximize how much money the sportsbook operator can make.

In an effort to have equal money on both sides of a wager, the sportsbook operator will move the point spread to attract money on the side that customers aren’t betting on. The odds for a point spread might change before the actual point spread. There are certain point spread numbers, like 3 and 7 in football, the sportsbook operators would like to avoid moving away from since the final score margin falls on these two numbers most often.

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Plus minus sign on keyboard

For example, if a lot more money is wagered on the New England Patriots -3, the vig may shift from -112 to -115 and -120 before the line moves to -3.5.

Run and puck lines

Football and basketball games are mostly bet using a point spread. The less popular major sports, baseball and hockey, are mostly bet using a moneyline. In an effort to make baseball and hockey more appealing to point spread bettors, the sportsbook operators offer run and puck lines, respectively.

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These alternative lines give point spread bettors a chance to wager on other sports using a more familiar method of betting. Since points (runs and goals) aren’t as easy to come by in baseball and hockey, the odds with the lines may have a wider spread than a football or basketball game.

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