Texas Holdem Python

7/24/2022by admin

In addition to my practical Python script for Cisco switch configuration verification, I wrote a purely impractical Texas Hold’em Simulator. I enjoy the game, and it occurred to me that a poker simulator would be a fun way to explore Monte Carlo simulations.

  • I am looking for simple texas holdem game written in Python. Posted by u/deleted 7 years ago. I am looking for simple texas holdem game written in Python. I tried google but I cant find anything. I'd like to get my hands on some simple holdem code to give me some idea how it is written. I am pretty new to Python.
  • I developed a simulator Texas hold'em and during this development I found the number of 7462 unique combinations (52 - 5/5 cards) on the flop. In turn, this number drops to 6075 (5/6) and in the river to.

pokercards.cards – Represent cards, decks and hands¶

class pokercards.cards.Card(rank, suit=None)

Represents a single french-design card with it’s rank and suit.


Cards can be compared and ordered by rank. A card, relative toa card of the same rank but different suit, is compared as neitherhigher, lower nor equal.

  • rank (str) – Either the rank (one of ‘A’, ‘K’, ‘Q’, ‘J’, ‘T’, ‘9’, ... ‘2’)or rank and suit together (e.g. ‘AS’, ‘8H’, etc.)
  • suit (str) – The suit, if not given as one string with rank(one of ‘S’, ‘H’, ‘C’, ‘D’ for spade, heart, club or diamond)
Raises :


classmethod card_list(*args)

Create a list of new cards.

Each argument should describe one card with rank and suit together.

Parameters:args – One or more cards.
Returns:List of new cards, one for each input parameter.
Return type:list of pokercards.cards.Card objects
Raises :ValueError
class pokercards.cards.Deck

Represents a single deck of 52 card.Card objects.

The deck could be imagined face down on a table. All internal listsrepresent the cards in order from bottom up. So dealing the topcard means poping last item from the list.


Deal the top card from the deck.

Returns:pokercards.cards.Card instance

Shuffle the deck.

class pokercards.cards.PokerHand(cards, evaluate=True)

Compute the best hand from given cards, implementing traditional“high” poker hand ranks.

The hand object can be given more than five cards (as in TexasHold’em or similar variants) and the evaluation will pick the besthand.

Evaluated pokercards.cards.PokerHand objects arecompared and sorted by the rank of the hand.


List of pokercards.cards.Card objects to make the handfrom. The pokercards.cards.PokerHand.evaluate() methodshould be called after manual update to re-evaluate the updatedhand.

Following attributes are available after evaluating the hand.


Readonly rank of the hand (0 = high card to 8 = straight flush)

Texas Holdem Hands


Readonly list of cards which complete the rank.


Readonly list of extra cards which can break a tie.

Texas Hold'em Poker Free Games

Texas Holdem Python
  • cards – List of pokercards.cards.Card objects.
  • evaluate (bool) – Evaluate the hand when creating.

Texas Hold'em Python

Evaluate the rank of the hand.

Texas Hold'em Vegas World

Should be called either implicitly at start by leavingparameter evaluate True when creating the hand orexplicitly by calling this method later, e.g. after changingthe cards attribute manually.

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